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Minggu, 30 Maret 2014

" Opportunity New Party And Party Small The flare sangant Big In This Election . " ( By Andri Luntungan)

" Who would have thought if the parties are considered later in the last election got little voice and the upcoming election they will have a big voice , also create a new party that received the voice sangant discharge of the public who feel disappointed at calek displayed by turns the big party the people never let them down . " This means that they are disillusioned with the major parties calek in 've never lied to them there they will eventually throw his voice to the party who yesterday received a small sound , like Hanura , Garindra , UN , PAN , Nasdem , PKPI , PKB and Development Party PKS.juga - Possible this could be happening and new voters will possibly berlalri there , while those Democrats , Golkar , there could be they will decrease the sound if the calek displayed are those who have failed the voters dipemilu plainly , it will be proved after the election later , in which the major parties will decrease their voice by calek because nothing else is choosing . "But if the major party supporters remain the most consistent voting sign they will not calek image , and perhaps they will turn away from the party who has been injured yesterday caleknya them.And for voters usually they would prefer the new sangant party and they will try to place it mebuang aspirations , or they try to help at the party yesterday that got a little flare in the eyes of their party bersih.inilah that would be their choice , while the PDI - struggle for he will get a new sound and therefore there is a Jokowi , who have the sympathy of the current period that are so large , and their eyes are made ​​Jokowi sympathy , obviously there will be a struggle PDI increases , but for the caleknya if shown there is ever hurt pemilihanya also calek of PDI-P is not selected but they will only mark the ballot image Bantenga course , this will happen in the next pemnceklisan , meaning that no party supporters menceklis menceklis calek but they will only sign image by because they are not sympathetic on the ditampilkan.Semua calek is said by people who never chose caleknya turns out they were let down , there calek supporters every dapil mengatkan , electoral district 1 , 6 and onwards to constituencies that are scattered throughout the district , to the level propensi As diktakan Iswan penduk bandung city , he said " do not expect to calek who has let his supporters he would mendpat sound , meaning that the calek who have hurt their supporters will not get sound lagi.oleh because he had hurt his supporters , and now people will be looking for people who can actually promote the aspirations , if only seduce and deceive the public he - will be abandoned by pendukungnya.Cetus Iswan , what was said Iswan , getting a response from the residents of Kudat , dodo , he said that calek which has been shown by a major party most of the night and they seemed to have not favored , and they are as calek formerly been disappointing now run again , obviously the more people hate it , do not want to see his face menceklis alone is hate , " which probably would menceklis for them . " Cetus dodo.Perkataan Iswan and dodo is getting a response of people in Indonesia who are spread in the district , Tasikmalaya , Garut , sumedang , Cirebon , Kuningan , Bogor , Cianjur , Depak , Lebak , Solo, Tegal , Yogyakarta , Cilacap , Navan , and Citizens Jakrta , like Samin North jakarta residents , he said that the calek seem to have no shame , " and he has previously failed the citizens but he still tried to run . " What is said cumin Got response Reni S , student population south of Jakarta , he said that what cumin is true that the calek that he had a foolish face , meaning that there is no shame that he has been disappointing although residents still calm , this is calek Indonesia , wini another resident said jakarta him that all people could be calek and who had been a member of Parliament - or House of Representatives may nominate them back anyway , it's their right , and in the era of legitimate democracy , yet all of which define the future he is elected or not there is the citizen voters , so for me please only those who have become members of Parliament or the House of Representatives to run I would rather leave it alone and do not need us to hate , calek , yet if he is not elected rugi.Apa he himself said Samin , Reni and got a response wini yanto penduk jAKARTA he said that as said friend of Jakrta west , south and north , in fact I can only say , what harm if they nominate , and what profit is also , yet people already know all that each candidate Atua Parliament Parliament he wants to know if the sound when it's needed again so where might want to know , so I bolt all calek nga deh influence , let him throw his money or seduce people anyway will also be assess whether he needs to be re-elected or not it's there they didampil respectively, which obviously remains to be seen whether calek yesterday just sit and disappointing " will have the support or bagamana ? " . Nevertheless , many options now , there Hanura , Garindra , UN , PKPI , Nasdem , PKB , PPP , PAN , PDI - P And If you later want to remain consistent in their most Democrats also Golkar menceklis only sign image but will not be in ceklis.Cetus caleknya yanto . ' If it is true what they all say , occurs as what should be done for the calek . ? and if such is possible that the presence of the major parties will make to improve his voice , ? and with what you can take time if people sympathetic supporters have been apathetic towards you . ? " assessment authors that what they say is not making this up but it all happened and not the least of which has been sat calek him away from his supporters and their supporters ultimately disappointed , this complaint is not new and has been too often , " So what do you do if like this > ? it is not necessary to answer all of our lives waiting time , among all the parties and calek who will be displaced , which one of the party who will also voice rising all live we wait for the results after the election .

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